Gavin turns 8 today and I can't believe it! Time seems to fly by when you get older. I think Daison and I are in shock to have a child in Scouts! I know Adyson is almost 10 but when you hear that your child is old enough to go into Scouts it just makes you feel like you are so old.
Gavin is so much fun to have in our family. He is always trying to be funny. As you can see in this picture he loves his picture taken and he will try to get the funniest pose he can so that you will laugh. He loves to make people laugh. Gavin also has a very sweet side to him. He hates when people are mad at him, or he thinks that he has disappointed you in any way.
Gavin loves to play soccer, and is quite good at it. He really knows what he is doing. He is very competitive, just ask anyone in our family, he always wants to do the most push-ups, or be the first one done with his dinner, he even is competitive at school. His teacher always tells us that he has to be the first one done with his work.
We love you Gavin and I hope you have a great birthday!
15 years ago